Ambassador visit in Sydney
Fotograf: Carlos Velasco
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Den 6. oktober besøgte vores to nots by heckmann ambassadører Jena Mai Hansen og Ryan Seaton den australske Middle Harbour Yacht Club i Sydney til et stor event arrangeret af vores globale nots by heckmann team.
Over 200 mennesker var samlet og hørte den olympiske bronzevinder Jena og OL deltager Ryan fortælle om sejlsport på absolut topniveau under overskriften:
Stormy seas and success – finding strength and sportsmanship in the nots bracelet
Fotograf: Carlos Velasco
Hele nots teamet blev taget utrolig godt imod i klubben, og alle havde en skøn aften. Jena og Ryans indlæg var en stor succes, og der var stor interesse for armbåndene, og den symbolik de står for.
Fotograf: Carlos Velasco
Alle deltagerne fik en lille pose som afslutning på eventen. I poserne var der bl.a. en voucher, der gav 10% rabat på armbåndene, og i én af dem var en voucher til et gratis armbånd med sorte diamanter sponsoreret af Annet Atakliyan fra Surreal Jewellery. Den heldige vinder blev Mr. Walter Carpenter.
Fotograf: Carlos Velasco
Alle i det globale nots team ydede en kæmpe indsats for at få eventen til at lykkes. Her er det vores australske nots by heckmann forhandler Annet Atakliyan fra Surreal Jewellery.
Fotograf: Carlos Velasco
Vores australske agent Line Lundgaard Dahl fra Simple Nordic koordinerede eventen.
Fotograf: Carlos Velasco
Ambassador visit in Sydney
On October 6th our nots by heckmann ambassadors Jena Mai Hansen and Ryan Seaton visited the Australian Middle Harbour Yacht Club in Sydney at a big event arranged by our global nots team.
Photographer: Carlos Velasco
More than 200 people participated in the event and heard the Olympic bronze medallist Jena and Olympic contestant Ryan talk about sailing on absolute top level. The headline was:
Stormy seas and success – finding strength and sportsmanship in the nots bracelet
Photographer: Carlos Velasco
The entire nots team was welcomed with open arms and everybody had a great evening. The talk by Jena and Ryan was a great success and there was a huge interest in the bracelets and what they stand for.
Photographer: Carlos Velasco
Everyone at the event received a small bag when they left club. All the bags contained a 10% off prices voucher among other things and in one of them was a voucher for a free bracelet with black diamonds sponsored by Annet Atakliyan from Surreal Jewellery. The lucky winner was Mr. Walter Carpenter.
Photographer: Carlos Velasco
Each and everyone in the global nots time made a huge effort to make the event a success. Here it’s our Australian nots by heckmann dealer Annet Atakliyan from Surreal Jewellery.
Photographer: Carlos Velasco
Our Australian agent Line Lundgaard Dahl from Simple Nordic coordinated the event.
Photographer: Carlos Velasco
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