Ambassador Chika Hatae: Me & my nots bracelet 英語訳、日本語訳でもご覧頂けます。
Photographer: Nikolaj Schwaner
This week our new ambassador Chika Hatae from the Japanese 49erFX team shares her story. She lives in Kanagawa, Japan, and has been sailing for 16 years.
“I simply love to sail. This passion of mine has helped me overcome the difficult situations in life and gives me so much on a personal and professional level. There will be ups and downs in life, and when I’m going through a tough time, I always consider everything carefully and try to choose a solution I will not regret.”
“I believe that it’s important to thank everyone that supports you in your life. I wouldn’t be able to do what I’m doing without the people that always supports me and encourages me. I owe a lot to my family, friends and my partner for always empowering me.
I’m very honoured to be chosen as an ambassador for nots by heckmann. I think the bracelet is beautiful, and it has made us feel like an even stronger team, wearing it together. As an ambassador I will work to achieve our goals in sailing and inspire others.“
Read more in English and 日本語訳
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「たくさんのセーラーの中から“nots”by heckmannのアンバサダーに選んで頂きとても光栄です。ブレスレットはとても美しく、そして、チームメイトの広佳さんと二人で身に着けることでチームの結束感が生まれました。アンバサダーとして恥ずかしくない成績を残したいと思います。」