nots by heckmann down under
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Lige nu oplever vi enorm interesse på den anden side af jordkloden i Australien. Vi er på messer, besøger butikker og havde for nyligt en stand Sydney International Jewellery Fair, hvor vi var at finde under den smukke Harbour Bridge. Australierne elsker det skandinaviske design, og overalt bliver armbåndene modtaget med stor interesse.
nots by heckmann down under
At the moment we are experiencing a huge interest in nots by heckmann on the other side of the globe in Australia. We are participating in various fairs, we are visiting jewellery stores and recently we had a stand at the Sydney International Jewellery Fair located under the beautiful Harbour Bridge. Australians love the Scandinavian design and everywhere the bracelets are met with great interest.
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