The 14th Olympic medal for Hellerup Sailing Club

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  • 11. September 2016

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Vi har netop modtaget dette dejlige billede af vores to ambassadører Jena og Katja, der stråler om kap med bronzemedaljerne om halsen. Bølgerne har nærmest først lige lagt sig efter den fantastiske præstation af de unge kvinder i RIO, der her står foran medaljevæggen i Hellerup Sejlklub, som er den klub i verden, der har vundet flest olympiske medaljer. Jena og Katjas medalje var nr. 14 til klubben. Endnu engang stort tillykke fra hele nots by heckmann teamet!


The 14th Olympic medal for Hellerup Sailing Club

We just received this lovely picture of our two ambassadors Jena and Katja competing with the bronze medals about who is glowing the most. In the time after the Olympics all eyes have been on Jena and Katja and their amazing performance. Here they are in front of the trophy wall in Hellerup Sailing Club north of Copenhagen, which has won the most Olympic medals in the world. The bronze medal was the 14th Olympic medal to be won in the club. Once again the entire nots by heckmann team would like to congratulate Jena and Katja!

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