Stor interesse i det internationale sejlsportsmiljø
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I dagene fra den 26. august til den 2. september løb det prestigefyldte Hamlet Dragon Gold Cup 2016 af stablen i Hornbæk – nots by heckmanns hjemby. Vi var naturligvis at finde på havnen, hvor vi fulgte de dygtige sejlere og præsenterede nots by heckmann for et interesseret publikum fra hele verden. I alt 15 nationer var repræsenteret, og hele havnen summede af international stemning. Sejlerfolk fra alle verdenshave kigge forbi vores stand, og vi er super stolte over den modtagelse vi fik. Der er ingen tvivl om, at armbåndene med torv, knob og diamanter i et skandinavisk design tiltaler mange sejlere på tværs af landegrænser.
Der blev både kigget, prøvet og købt, og mange skrev sig op til vores newsletter, som vi lancerer ultimo september 2016.
Foto: Henrik Hansen.
Også HKH Kronprinsen var blandt deltagerne i Hamlet Dragon Gold Cup 2016.
Foto: Henrik Hansen.
Det schweisiske vinderhold. nots-armbåndet er et symbol på nærhed og fællesskab, som også er det, der gør en besætning succesfuld.
Great interest from the international sailing world
Between August 26th and September 2nd the prestigious Hamlet Dragon Gold Cup was held in Hornbæk – the hometown of nots by heckmann. We were of course in the harbour cheering for the amazing sailors and presenting nots by heckmann for a curious audience from all over the world. 15 nations were represented and the entire harbour was full of life and international atmosphere. Sailors from all oceans visited our stand and the attention was overwhelming. There is no doubt that the bracelet with rope, knots and diamonds in a Scandinavian design appeals to a lot of sailors across borders.
People were looking at, trying on and buying the bracelets – and a lot of people signed up for our newsletter that we will launch in late September 2016.
Foto: Henrik Hansen.
HRH the crown prince of Denmark was amongst the competitors in the Dragon Gold Cup 2016.
Foto: Henrik Hansen.
The bracelet is a symbol of intimacy and community, which is also what makes a crew successful.
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