Ambassadors Chika and Hiroka
Chika Hatae and Hiroka Itakura is a powerful team representing Japan in 49erFX. In the European championship in Kiel 2017 they ended up in the top 10 as number 8, and at the moment they are training hard for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics – in the very same harbour that the actual Olympic race will be taking place.
Hiroka Itakura to the left, Chika Hatae to the right.
Chika, “I believe that it’s important to thank everyone that supports you in your life. I wouldn’t be able to do what I’m doing without the people that always supports me and encourages me. I owe a lot to my family, friends and my partner for always empowering me.” Hiroka continues, “In life I thinks it’s important to have a goal in everything you do. The ambassadors chosen to wear the nots bracelet all have a strong dedication to achieve their goals, and that makes me honoured to wear one. I can feel the positive power that comes from the bracelet, and when I heard the story about nots, I thought it was a wonderful project.”
Chika, “I’m also very honoured to be chosen as an ambassador among many sailors. It makes me very proud. Furthermore I think the bracelet is beautiful, and it has made us feel like an even stronger team, wearing it together.
We are very pleased to have these passionate sailors, Chika and Hiroka, as our nots ambassadors.
左は Hiroka Itakura そして右は Chika Hatae
慶さん「たくさんのセーラーの中から“nots”by heckmannのアンバサダーに選んで頂きとても光栄です。ブレスレットはとても美しく、そして、チームメイトの広佳さんと二人で身に着けることでチームの結束感が生まれました。」